Monthly Archives: May 2013

The Craft Group


I’ve finally joined a craft group! My super talented neighbour and friend Úna (remember her beautiful books?) invited me a looong time ago to join them but it wasn’t very practical for me with 2 young children. They’re still young, yes, but now I will be able to manage to meet up every second week and do lots of crafts, have a great laugh and enjoy the company of these amazing ladies! It’s so good because all the girls live very close by and every time they meet they rotate the house. I can’t wait to host a meeting in mine!

Per fi m’he afegit a un grup de manualitats! La meva veina-amiga, l’ Una (recordeu els seus llibres fets a ma) em va convidar fa temps pero amb els nens no podia comprometre’m. Ara ja si que ho trobo mes facil el poder escapar-me una nit. Cada dos dimecres ens reunim, rotant la casa cada vegada, i passem una bona estona, fent coses, rient, xerrant i picant. Totes viuen molt a prop, a no mes de 15 minuts en cotxe la que queda mes lluny… Ja tinc ganes de que vinguin a la meva!


Everyone brings their projects along with some yummy stuff to keep you going. I made a tea brack, but after seeing this creamy roulade I could leave the brack aside…

Cadascu porta els seus projectes i alguna cosa per menjar i beure. Vaig fer un tea brack, pero despres de veure aquest braç de gitano, a veure qui es menja el meu brack!


I thought I’d bring my little sashiko coaster that I made a few weeks ago (I’ll post all about it soon) along with a book that I borrowed so they could have a look.

Vaig portar el  posagots de sashiko que vaig fer (del qual ja escriure tot un post), i un llibre que m’han deixat per a que hi fessin una ullada.


In the meantime, I wanted to make some progress on my abandoned LiliPopo Easter Girl. I couldn’t finish it there and then, but I did finish it last night!

I de mentres vaig intentar avançar feina amb el patro de la LiliPopo. No la vaig poder acabar aquella nit pero si que la vaig acabar ahir!


So here’s the final product. I still think I should plan in advance the colours I’ll use though. I’m happy with it, but when you see Kate’s original patterns, they’re so much carefully planned!

Aixi que ja la podeu veure. Crec que hauria de planejar una mica mes be els colors que faig servir, estic contenta amb el reseultat, pero si veiessiu els projectes de la Kate, ja m’entendrieu…







Filed under BRODATS, craft group

DIY: 1-2-3-no-lace-shoes!

Hello! I’m a bit late posting… time is falling on me!

I‘ve been am sick with a chest infection (courtesy from the children) and I was not able to prepare the post I wanted to publish lately. It’s still being edited but in the meantime I’d love to show you a quick DIY project.

Hana doesn’t know how to tie her shoes yet, so we always look for velcro or other easy ways as such. She liked these shoes but had laces on so we decided to add our own touch and make her life easier. The photos speak for themselves but feel free to contact me for any questions by leaving a comment.

All you need is some 5mm elastic, 4 buttons, needle, thread and scissors.


Hola! el temps se’m cau a sobre!

He estat Estic malalta, amb una infeccio de pit (per gentilesa de els nens) i no he pogut publicar el post que volia tot i que encara l’estic  preparant. El que si que us vull ensenyar es un projecte superfacil.

La Hana encara no sap cordar-se les sabates i sempre intentem comprar sabates amb velcro o alguna tanca facil. Li agradaven aquestes pero tenien cordons, aixi que ens hem sol.lucionat el problema en pocs minuts. Les fotos ja demostren les passes a seguir pero si teniu dubtes nomes cal escriure’l en un comentari i us dono un cop de ma.

Nomes necessiteu goma elastica de 5mm, 4 botons, fil, agulla i tisores.





SMS winner!


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Wow! more than 300 comments, you sure liked that fabric!

Thank you all so much for participating and deciding to follow me too. I’ll be hosting more giveaways in the future, so if you’re not the winner, you’ll have more chances to receive some goodies soon again.


Mes de 300 comentaris! uau, aquesta tela ha agradat molt! Moltissimes gracies per participar i decidir seguir-me. Si no heu guanyat aquest cop, tindreu mes oportunitats aviat perque tinc preparats per sortejos 🙂

Ha sigut molt divertit llegir tots els comentaris, si teniu curiositat, les 3 ciutats que mes agraden son Londres, Paris i Nova York, despres els segueix Ottawa, Sidney, Boston, San Francisco (la meva preferida!), Portland OR, Barcelona (la meva!) d’entre altres… Tambe he descovert de noves com Blacksburg i Island Park. Segur que totes son maquissimes i tandebo pogues visitar cada una d’elles!


I was great fun to read all of your comments, I’ve been traveling the world so much all this week! In case you’re curious, the top three favorite cities were London, Paris and New York. Then there were Ottawa, Sidney, Boston, San Francisco (my favorite!), Portland OR, Barcelona (my native city!!!) among the most favourite too … I have discovered new places that I never heard of, like Blacksburg, or Island Park … I’m sure all these places are fabulous and I really wish I could visit every single one of them…

There was only one comment written after the deadline, only by 3 minutes, so I thought oh come on... only 3 minutes, let it join the party too! (I hope you’re all ok with it) So with a total of 309 comments, the random number generator came up with number 147

Nomes hi ha hagut un comentari fora d’hores, pero nomes 3 minuts, aixi que l’he inclos, esperant que no us faci res! Aixi que de 309 comentaris, el guanyador ha sigut el 147

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Which belongs to Joan Old’s comment:

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Joan blogs at Quilting Times and she’s got beautiful projects like this one and this one. She’s lucky to live close to one of the greatest cities in the world, I love London’s museums, and the food section in Harrods!!!

I’ll be posting tomorrow to show you what I’ve been up to lately. It was kind of a record for me, since I could finish 2 projects in one weekend!


La Joan blogueja a Quilting Times i ja porta uns quants projectes a la seva esquena, com aquest i aquest. Te sort de viure a prop de Londres! m’encanten els museus d’aquesta ciutat i la seccio de menjar de Harrods!

Dema ecriure una nova entrada per ensenyar-vos e que he esta fent darrerament, un récord per mi, ja que vaig acabar dos proyectes en un cap de setmana!

1 Comment


SMS giveaway


********UPDATE 10/5/13 : this giveaway is going to close in 30 minutes (12.00am Irish time). Thank you all so much for participating! Comments received after 12.00 will not be counted, sorry but have to draw a line somewhere 🙂 *********

Hello all and welcome to my blog!

I am participating in Sew Mama Sew’s giveaway Day again and this time I will offer some fabric supplies. In the past I always made something for this occasion, a bag, a fabric covered notebook, a zipper pouch… but I’ve been very busy lately and I haven’t had the time to make anything. So here’s what I am offering :

2 half yards of this bright summery fabric by Me and My Sisters for Moda


All you have to do for a chance to win is:

1. Leave a comment in this blog telling me what is your favorite city in the world.

2. OPTIONAL. If you want an extra chance, follow El Petit Taller on Facebook  OR Bloglovin (or both :-P) and leave a second message telling me which way you are following.


This giveaway will close on the 10th of May and I’ll announce the winner on the 11th. Good luck and don’t forget to visit Sew Mama Sew to enter all the rest of the giveaways!


Hola a tothom! Benvinguts de nou al meu blog. Torno a participar en el sorteig organitzat per Sew Mama Sew. Aquest cop sortejo tela, ja que no he tingut temps de fer res per aquesta ocasio.

Podeu guanyar dues peces de mitja yarda d’aquesta tela de Me and My Sisters de Moda.

Per participar nomes cal:

1. Escriure un comentari dient-me quina es la vostra ciutat preferida.

2. OPCIONAL. Per una segona oportunitat, si voleu, seguiu-me a Facebook O a traves de Bloglovin i deixeu un altre comentari dient-me per on em seguiu.


El sorteig tancara el dia 10 de Maig i el guanyador sera anunciat el dia 11. No oblidei visitar la pagina de  Sew Mama Sew per participar en mes sortejos. Sort!



And the winner is…

Thank you all for taking part in this giveaway, for visiting Nurananu’s shop and help to spread the love for Etsy and handmade crafts.

Thank you Nuria for offering this beautiful item and for letting us know about your Etsy experience.

So, there were a total of 23 comments (I didn’t count Nuria’s reply to one of them, can you imagine if she won her own giveaway?) and the generator showed this number:

Moltes gracies a totes les participants, gracies per visitar la botiga de Nurananu i per donar veus sobre Etsy i l’artesania online. 

Moltes gracies a tu, Nuria, per donar aquesta bufanda feta a ma com a premi i per parlar-nos de la teva experiencia amb Etsy.

Hi ha hagut un total de 23 comentaris (no compto el de la Nuria que contestava a un dels comentaris, imagineu-vos si guanyes el seu propi sorteig!), i el generador ha escollit el seguent numero:

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which belongs to:

que es del comentari de la:

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tres colors

Congratulations Nina! I’ll send you an email shortly so you can contact Nuria and give her your details and your choice of colour.

And for all of the rest who did not win, Nurananu is offering a 10% discount for any item of her shop with the coupon code SUPERSOMMER!!!

Per a la resta, la Nuria de NURANANU ofereix 10% de descompte per qualsevol article de la sega botiga amb el codi SUPERSOMMER!

Moltes felicitats Nina!

T’enviare un email per a que et posis en contacte amb la Nuria i li diguis quin color prefereixes. 

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