Category Archives: FELTRE-FELT

Felted Elbow Patches – Colzeres de Feltre

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I’ve just discovered this felting madness! I’ve been wanting to give it a go for so long! I finally  purchased a bit of roving from here and some felting needles and other tools from here. I couldn’t wait to receive them and try this tutorial. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out so I will be upcycling a few more tops that I have.


This roving is so soft and the colours are so beautiful. I have plenty to keep me going for a while with the 12 colours I got (0.36 oz each), but I’m so tempted to get more…


Acabo de descobrir un altra vici hobby! Feltrar. Feia temps que volia provar de fer alguna cosa aixi i finalment vaig comprar una mica de llana aquí i unes quantes agulles i material per feltrar aquí. Quines ganes tenia de rebre-ho i provar aquest tutorial. M’agrada molt com ha quedat i ara penso tunejar més samarretes.


Aquesta llana és tan suau i el colors tan bonics! En tinc suficient per anar tirant amb els 12 capdells que vaig comprar (10gr cada unitat), però estic temptada a comprar més colors!

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TUTORIAL: roba per estendre – hanging up the laundry

Aqui teniu un petit joc per fer amb els nens. 
Es per ensenyar vocabulari de roba i dels colors i tambe perque practiquin la dexteritat dels dits amb petites agulles d’estendre. A part, tambe pot servir per decorar l’habitacio quan el deseu…
Here’s a little game to play with young children.
I use it to teach vocabulary (clothes and colours) as well as it gives an opportunity for the child to practise with the pincer grip by using little wee cloth pecks. It will also look nice on the wall of their room when they’re not playing with it…
feltre de colors
agulles petites 
cordill de canam
paper i llapis
 i un gat per fer-vos companyia… (opcional)
felt of diffrent colours
mini cloth pecks
hemp string
paper, pencil and scissors
and a cat to keep you company… (optional)

1. Dibuixeu en un paper el perfil de tota la roba que us passi pel cap. Talleu les figures per fer-les servir de patro i taller el feltre.
1. Draw on a paper all the silhouette of all the clothes you can think of. Cut them out to use them as a template to cut the felt.

2. Un cop tallades, podeu decorar la roba amb els diferents punts de brodar que tingui la vostra maquina de cosir. O tambe podeu deixar-los tal com son…
2. You can decorate them by using the different sewing stitches on your sewing machine. Or if you like, you can leave them plain.

3. Talleu un troc, de cordill i esteneu-hi la roba amb les pincetes.
3. Cut the string, as long as you want it to be, and hang the laundry on the line with the little pecks.




Aquests ninotets son molt facils de fer i no es necessita gaire experiencia. Nomes cal dibuixar formes molt simples per fer les plantilles i talleu dues peces. Cosiu el voltant amb punt de festo i deixeu un espai per farcir amb goata (o cotofluix). Podeu fer servir un fil de color diferent per contrastar.

Els brodats es fan un cop el ninot ja esta farcit. Per fer l’efecte enfonsat s’ha de passar l’agulla a traves del farcit fins a l’altra banda on tambe hi haura els mateixos punts. D’aquesta manera, tindran ulls, boca i nas a cada cara. EL nas de l’estel es fa tallant un cercle de feltre vermell, de la mida d’una moneda d’un centim. Es passen punts correders al voltant i s’estira el fil per tancar-lo despres d’haver ficat una mica de cotofluix.

These litttle fellas are really easy to make and you don’t need a lot of experience. You only need to draw very simple shapes for the patterns and cut two pieces of each. Then you sew all around in blanket stitch leaving a little gap to stuff it. You can use different colour threads to make a nice contrast.

The embroidery bits were made once they were all sewn up. To make the tufted effect the needle must go all the way through and out to the other side where the same stitches will be made, so there will be eyes, a nose and mouth on either side. To make the nose of the star, you need to cut a circle the size of a 1 cent coin and make a running stitch all around. Pull the threat to close it after you stuff a bit of filling.

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Filed under FELTRE-FELT