Monthly Archives: January 2013

Hana’s A-line dress

Hana’s dress is finally finished! It’s been for a while but it was so hard to take photos, especially when she was wearing it. The lighting is really bad as it’s been raining a lot and when I’m free it is too late in the evening to take good shots… Anyway, here’s how it looks, much better in real life though.

It’s a simple A-line dress and I followed the pattern from this book. I do not recommend this book though, it is not clear and there are many gaps in the instructions which would make a beginner to go bananas! An A-line dress is one of the easiest projects for beginners, yet this book makes it a bit more complicated unnecessarily, I should have followed my guts and experience while I was making it and I would have saved some headaches…






25/01/2013 · 12:03 pm

Zips and Chocolate… Cremalleres i Xocolata

sweet pouch swap 2

I haven’t had a chance to blog these last days, my internet connection was not good and it kept breaking down too often… making it so frustrating that I just gave up. It seems it is working pretty well now, thank Goodness!

Chocolate and Zips. Nope, it’s not an edible recipe (yet), but it’s what I have on my working table at the moment. I do like love chocolate but this time I’m trying not to look at it (in fact, it’s hidden and put far far away) while I make a zipper pouch which is going to be filled up with chocolate.

Roslyn from Sweet Delicious was hosting this swap and, well… the word chocolate caught my eye as usual… the zips too… those little challenging things… so I joined.

I got my partner’s details, she likes modern fabrics (me too) and we have something in common (apart from the love of chocolate of course), we own cats… And you should see her cat, it’s so BEAUTIFUL!!!

I’ll be showing little peeks of what I’ve made just before it travels to my partner’s house.

Have a great weekend!!!


Fa dies que la meva conexio d’internet no funcionava be i ha sigut molt frustrant, tant que no he fet cas del meu blog durant uns dies. Per fi sembla que aixo ja rutlla, menys mal!

Xocolata i cremalleres… No es una recepta per menjar (encara no…), pero es el que hi ha sobre la meva taula de treball. M’agrada encanta la xocolata. Aquest cop no me l’estic menjant (per variar) pero li estic donant cada mirada…

Estic fent un estoig amb cremallera que anira ple de xocolata.

La Roslyn the Sweet Delicious va organitzar un intercanvi i la paraula xocolata em va cridar l’atencio, aixi com tambe la de “cremallera”, que tant em costen de posar de vegades! Vaig pensar que m’hi apuntaria i ja quasi ho tinc tot preparat per enviar-ho a la meva companya.

Ja tinc tota la seva informacio i veig que tenim una cosa en comu, a part de la passio per la xocolata… i es que tenim gats, i haurieu de veure el seu gat, es PRECIOS!

Mes endavant ja us ensenyare com m’ha quedat.

Que tingueu bon cap de setmana!!!

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Filed under SWAPS

Messenger Bags for Little Readers

library totes

Two messenger bags following Anna Graham’s tutorial. I had seen this tutorial a long time ago and I really liked the little detail with the pin tucks. Hana had a dress with some pin tucks at the front neckline and I always wanted to try and make an A-line dress with those on.

I thought I’d try the bags first, since I had some linen, cute flowery fabric and wooden buttons. I made one for Hana and another one for her best friend whose birthday is coming soon. We’ll fill up her bag with nice goodies.

Dues bosses fetes seguint el tutorial de l’Anna Graham. Ja fa temps que vaig veure aquest tutorial i em va fer pensar en un vestit que tenia la Hana amb aquests petits doblecs al davant (i gracies a la Margarita que m’ha dit que s’anomenen tavelles). Fer un vestit amb tavelles esta a la meva llista de coses per fer, pero abans volia fer un parell de bosses.

He fet servir lli blanc, tela de floretes per l’interior i botons de fusta estampats. Una bossa es per la Hana i l’altra per la seva millor amiga, que aviat fara anys i li omplirem la bossa de regalets.



Hana says she’ll use this bag to put the books she takes from the library… It’s a good idea, but most of the books she gets are much bigger than the bag so we’ll still use our usual library bag.

I am a children’s book fanatic, (in case you didn’t know already), and since we’re talking about books I’d like to recommend  a couple, one in English and the other in Catalan (let’s be fair with all my readers!).

La Hana diu que fara servir aquesta bossa per anar a la biblioteca, pero els llibres que normalment agafa don molt mes grans, aixi que segurament farem servir la bosa de sempre.

Soc una entusiasta dels llibres infantils (per si no ho sabieu ja), i ja que parlem de llibres us recomanare dos, un en angles i l’altra en catala (per ser justa amb la majoria de lectors).

click on the image/cliqueu a la imatge

Moon Rabbit by Natalie Russell. A rabbit who lives in the city wishing to have a friend, she finds a very special friend at last.

Moon Rabbit (el Conill de la Lluna) de la Natalie Russell. Un conill que viu a la ciutat i que desitja tenir un amic, al final en troba un de molt especial.

cliqueu a la imatge/click on the image

La Nana Bunilda Menja Malsons de la Merce Company. Es petita, rabassuda… viu en el calaix d’una tauleta de nit, caça malsons i d’ells que en fa? xocolata desfeta!!!

La Nana Bunilda Menja Malsons by Merce Company. She’s a tiny character who lives in the drawer of a bedside table. She catches nightmares and she cooks them into… chocolate!!!

Quin llibre de literatura infantil us be ara mateix al cap?El compartiu?

Which children’s book is right now on your mind?Wanna share it?