Monthly Archives: December 2012

Bye bye 2012! Adéu 2012!

I wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope you start 2013 with lots of energy, plenty of ideas, bags full of love to spread around and, what is most important, good health!

This is what I’ve been working on during these holidays. I made 2 handbags from the really nice pattern  by Rebeka Lambert, the Phoebe Bag .

Us desitjo molt Bon Any 2013 i que el comenceu amb molta energia, plenes d’idees i amb carregues de felicitat i amor per compartir, i el que es mes important, amb molta salut! Aqui veieu el que he estat fent aquests dies, un parell de bosses seguint el patro de la Rebeka Lambert, Phoebe Bag.




For the one above I used Amy Butler’s fabric and for the second one below I used a heavier weight fabric from Ikea. The sew-in interfacing worked really well with both bags, giving them good structure and body.

Per la primera bossa he fet servir una tela de l’Amy Butler i per la segona una tela de mes pes d’Ikea. La fiselina rigida que es cus en comptes de la que s’neganxa planxant ha donat molt bon resultat amb les dues bosses, donat molt cos i estructura.


So that’s it, I was busy making a little dress for Hana as well but I’ll leave this to blog about in the New Year. If you are partying tonight, have a great one! I know I won’t… Well, I’ll be partying all right with Conor, he’s teething at the moment and he’s waking up every 2 hours!


Doncs aixo es tot, l’any que ve us ensenyare un vestit que li estic fent a la Hana. Si aneu de greca aquesta nit, passeu-vos-ho be! jo no ho fare pas… be, potser si, amb en Conor que es desperta cada dues hores perque li estan sortint les dents, molta gresca m’espera…

BON ANY 2013!!!



My 2013 NewFO Challenge wish to-do list – llista de projectes pel 2013


I missed this last year and I don’t want to miss it again!

 I think it will help me to keep track of all the things I’d like to make in the New Year.

I’m not going to list all of them right now as some are projects that I’ve seen in books, but just a few important ones…

1. Conor has no quilt yet, so I’d like to use a big pile of rainbow charm packs that I’m hoarding and make A Rainbow Star Quilt inspired by this tutorial.

2. I had bought a few Amy Butler patterns before I got pregnant and had to leave them aside as it would have been silly to take measurements then… So I’d love to make:

a. The Liverpool shirt

b. This top

c.The Anna Tunic 

3. The Red and White Triangle Quilt that I have on my mind… (sorry no photo/link here…)

These are the main things I’d like to work on and I’m sure the list will get longer and longer as the year goes by… if you want to see more quilters’ wish to-do lists, go here!



L’any passat m’ho vaig perdre i ara no ho vull tornar a fer!

Aquest es un llistat dels projectes que m’agradaria fer al llarg del 2013,

no ho he posat tot perque no acabaria mai! pero son les coses

que mes m’agradaria tenir fetes:

1. En Conor encara no the cap quilt i m’agradaria few un quilt amb una pila de charm packs que estic guardant inspirat en aquest tutorial.

2. Abans de quedar-me embarassada vaig comprar uns quants patrons de l’Amy Butler, pero no em va donar temps de fer res i he hagut d’esperar uns quants mesos llargs, ara ja puc fer:

a. The Liverpool shirt

b. This top

c.The Anna Tunic 

3. Tambe tinc un quilt en ment, amb triangles vermells i blancs…

Segurament anire afegint mes coses. Si voleu veure altres llistes per inspirar-vos cliqueu aqui!


22/12/2012 · 10:38 am

Season Greetings! – Bones Festes!








Blog Hop Party Winner

Hello! First of all, I  apologise for posting this entry so late! We’ve had one of those moments were everything comes at the same time, with Little Button waking up several times during the night (as usual…) and Hana joined the party with vomits and other fluids which need no more specification,  and well… you can imagine the rest…

Also, I’d like to express my sincere condolences to the families of the victims of the horrible shooting in Connecticut. Just after watching the faces of those beautiful children now on the news…. it’s any parent’s nightmare to loose your child, and as a mum, I feel so sad and deeply touched when I hear news like this. I just can’t imagine to start the day as normal, leaving your children at school to never see them alive again. No words.

Hola! Primer de tot disculpeu el retard d’aquest post. Hem tingut un d’aquells moment en que tot et ve alhora. El Botonet que es desperta mil vegades a la nit i aquest cop la Didaleta s’ha afegit a la festa amb vomits i altres fluids que no cal especificar… ja us ho imagineu….

Tambe vull expressar el meu condol als familiars de les victimes de l’horrible esdeveniment a Conneticut. Quan sento noticies d’aquesta mena on la majoria de victimes son nens m’esgarrifo. Es el malson de qualsevol pare/mare, perdre un fill. No m’imagino el que deu ser llevar-te al mati com sempre i portar els teus fills a l’escola per no veure’ls mai mes vius. Sense paraules.


Thank you all for taking part in this giveaway, for deciding to follow this blog and “like” my Facebook page. It’s been fun to read all your guesses, they actually brought lots of ideas. I did make a table runner (still filed under UFO at them moment) and was thinking of placemats or pot holders but at the end I made this:

Gracies a tots els participants d’aquest sorteig, per decidir seguir el blog i clicar al m’agrada de la pagina de FB. ha sigut divertit llegir els comentaris que han aportat tambe idees. Vaig fer un corredor de taula, encara per acabar (com sempre) i pensava fer agafadors de cuina o estovalles individuals, pero al final he fet aixo:


I zipper pouch, big enough to hold some nice scraps (notice I added the cream coloured one???)

Una estoig amb cremallera suficientment gran per posar tots aquells retalls, i n’he afegit un altre…


and a small needle case… I added 3 tiny sleeves to keep something tiny (don’t ask me what… I thought is was cute to have tiny sleeves, embellished with those cute leafy buttons)

I un estoig per portar les agulles de cosir, amb unes butxaquetes petites petites, que ja em direu que hi cap alli, pero que em va fer gracia fer-les per posar els botonets de les fulletes.


*Update*- I wanted to say that I’m sorry I had to delete a few comments that were written a day after the closing date-

So who is the lucky winner?

I qui es la guanyadora?

I finally got a way to have the Random Number Generator thingy up. So the winner is…

Captura de pantalla 2012-12-17 a les 11.33.25

who said…

Captura de pantalla 2012-12-17 a les 11.35.22

Congratulations Laura B!

Felicitats Laura B!

I’ll be having more giveaways in the new year, keep an eye…!

Preparare mes sortejos durant el nou any, estigueu a la guait…!



Knock knock, “Will you buy my school?” – Toc doc, “Em compres la meva escola?”

The Irish like their raffles. Especially around Christmas. This is one of the things I noticed when I first came to Ireland. You would be in a pub and at the end of a session they had a raffle to raise funds for either a local club, a charity organisation or some other entity. From chocolate boxes to vouchers for pampering yourself with health treatments or a night in a B&B in Ballysomewhere. People are very generous here, always have been and there’s always good craic in raffles!

This Sunday coming, the community play school where my daughter attends is holding a Christmas party (like every year) with a raffle to raise funds to buy new material for the classrooms. I remember selling tickets for my school in Barcelona, you were given a pad of tickets and off you went to your relatives and people you knew begging them to buy a ticket for a hundred pesetas…

Well, here you are given a sheet with numbered lines, you knock on your neighbors’ doors and you say something like: “will you buy a line for my school/club?”, then you buy “the line” by handing in whatever the amount and write your name and phone number on “your line”. Many children came to my door selling lines when we used to live in the city. At first I didn’t know what they were talking about, then I learnt…

So now I found myself walking around our area with Hana, knocking on our neighnours’ doors and greeting them with these famous lines, the one you say and the ones you sell. I had to explain to Hana how it worked and what she had to say (she was really excited to do this even though she didn’t quite get what she was doing). We knocked on our first door and she goes: “Will you buy my school?”. Oh dear. That’s ok, she just left the “a line for” out…  I bet she was wondering what this line thing was and sure her school was more important. Fortunately, our neighbours are well used to the line factor and know exactly what to do, and good old M. wrote down his name with a big smile.

At €3 a line and €5 for 2, we’ve collected €72 so far… not bad! And the thing is, that after all this babble (thanks for reading) one of the prizes is this baby quilt I managed to put together in quite a short time. I chose colours that would suit either  a boy or a girl with Meadow Friends by Deb Strain for Moda and some Kona solids. It measures 37″ x 44″. I didn’t have much time to think for the best quilting design (well, as if I was a master quilter now…) and I thought straight lines would make it nice and siple (after stippling most of my quilts lately I was longing for something straighter). So I hope that whoever wins this quilt will enjoy it, and that it isn’t me, of course….

I’m using Conor’s room and cot for the photo shoot. and the poor lad hasn’t got a quilt of his own yet… I’m thinking something rainbowy for him, the paper chains are very inspiring… we’ll see.

Have you ever won anything on a raffle? (I bet you have if you’re Irish!)




linking up with December Finishes A Stitch in Time


Als irlandesos els agraden molt les rifes. Sobretot ara per Nadal. Es una de les primeres coses que vaig notar quan vaig venir a Irlanda. Estaves en un pub i al final de la sessio de musica rifaven varies coses. Des de capses de bombons i ampolles de vi fins a vals per a tractaments facials o alguna nit en un B&B a Ballyelquesigui. La gent aqui es molt generosa, sempre ho ha sigut i sempre hi ha molt bon ambient amb les rifes.

El cas es que aquest diumenge vinent l’escola on va la meva filla organitza la festa de Nadal i fan una rifa per recaudar diners per comprar material nou a les aules. Recordeu, les catalanes, quan veniem numeros per al viatge de fi de curs? ens donaven un talonari i apa, a vendre numeros a cent pessetes…

Doncs aqui et donen un full amb linies enumerades. Vas de porta en porta pel teu veinat i dius alguna cosa aixi com “em compres una linia per a la meva escola?” i aleshores et paguen el que val la linia i escriuen el seu nom i telefon a la “seva linia”. Quan viviem a Galway, de tant en tant aterraven nens a la nostra porta amb el full a la ma i una frase per l’estil. Al principi no sabia de que anava, pero ja vaig començar a entendre-ho.

Ara soc jo la que ha hagut d’anar de porta a porta amb la Hana i dir la famosa frase. Li vaig haver d’explicar a la Hana com anava i que havia de dir. Estava tota emocionada amb el full verd de linies que ens van donar, pero jo ja veia que encara no ho pillava be del tot. Aixi que arribem a la primera porta, toc toc, i diu: “em compres la meva escola?”. Ups. No passa res, nomes t’has oblidat allo de ‘una linia per…” que va alla per entremig. Sortosament, els nostres veins ja estan ben entrenats amb aixo de les linies i el bon M. va escriure les seves dades mentres reia.

A €3 la linia i a €5 si en vols dues ja hem recaudat €72 euros! No esta gens malament! I tot aquest rotllo ve (i gracies per legir fins aqui) perque un dels premis d’aquesta rifa es un quilt que he donat. En questio de tres dies vaig haver de pensar “que, com, quina” i a final crec que ha quedat bastant decent. Els colors van be tant a nens com a nenes, les teles son de la col.leccio Meadow Friends de la Deb Strain per Moda i uns quants solids de Kona. Medeix 44 p0lzades per 37 i espero que a qui li toqui, (i que no sigui a mi), li agradi molt i el gaudeixi,.

L’habitacio i el bressol del Conor fan d’atrezzo per a les fotos i aixo em recorda que el pobre encara no te el seu quilt. Les cadenes de papers de colorins m’inspiren bastant per fer alguna cosa en plan Arc de Sant Marti. Ja veurem…

Heu guanyat mai alguna rifa? que vau guanyar?


Filed under PATCHWORK

Blog Hop Party Giveaway!




Yes! I’m back with another giveaway!

The Quilting Gallery is organizing this Blog Hop Party to celebrate their 5th anniversary.

Click on the image above to see a huge list of bloggers who are also taking part on this celebration and are giving away lots of nice things.

Here’s a peek of what I’m giving to one lucky winner, it is something I’m making right now using left over scraps of Awesome by Sandy Gervais for Moda.

I’m not going to tell you what it is though…


I will also add some good sized scraps from the same line


To enter:

1. Have a guess, tell me what you think it is and write your comment in this post.

(You don’t have to get the right answer to win)

For OPTIONAL extra chances:

1. Like my Facebook Page  and write an extra comment to let me know.

2. Follow my blog via email (right side bar) and again let me know with another comment.

I will ship internationally and  this giveaway will be open

until the 15th of December at 11pm Irish time.

The winner will be randomly selected and informed via email.


Si! Torno a ser aqui amb un altre sorteig!

Si no heu tingut sort amb el darrer sorteig, ara podeu tornar-ho a provar.

The Quilting Gallery esta celebrant el seu 5e aniversari.

Cliqueu a la imatge de BLOG HOP per veure un llistat de blogs on es fan mes sortejos.

I que sortejo? sorpresa! a la imatge podeu veure un trocet del que

estic fent amb restes de teles que tenia, pero no us dire que es. A mes, afegire uns quants retalls que m’han sobrat de la mateixa col.eccio (Awesome, Sandy Gervais per Moda).

 Per participar:

1. Escriviu un comentari dient-me que creieu que es el que estic fent.

Per tenir mes oportunitats (OPCIONALS):

1. Cliqueu al “LIKE” de la meva pagina de Facebook i escriviu un comentari fent-me saber que ho heu fet. O si ja sou fans, nomes cal que m’ho digueu al comentari.

2. Seguiu aquest blog (o si ja ho feu) via email i escriviu-me un altre comentari fent-m’ho saber.

Enviare internacionalment i tancare el sorteig el dia 15 de Desembre a les 12pm.

Informare el guanyador via email i publicare el resultat al dia seguent.

Bona sort!


09/12/2012 · 5:34 pm

Winner – Guanyadora

Thank you all for taking part in my giveaway. I intend to host another one soon so keep an eye open!
Did you find any new blogs this time? I discovered a few ones and some Etsy shops too. Look at these lovely soft fabric books from Exlibrishandmade ( she also blogs here) and check out this blog for cute children’s clothes patterns and tutorials.
Anyway, I know I’ll be busy in the next few weeks rebrowsing all my comments and checking everybody’s blogs/shops.
Without any more delay, here’s the winner of my giveaway:
who said…

Lovely notebooks! I think I prefer the trees.

So the trees will fly from Ireland to New Zealand. Adrianne blogs at On The Windy Side and she makes amazing modern patchwork. See? Another nice blog to add to your reading list!
Gracies a tots per participar en el sorteig! Aviat en fare un altre aixi que aneu passant per aqui sovint.
Aquest cop he trobat uns quants blogs interessants i un parell de botiguetes a Etsy que m’han agradat força. Que us semblen aquests llibrets de tela d’Exlibrishandmade? Aquesta noia te talent! tambe te el seu blog.
I que us sembla aquest blog per inspirer-vos i cosir peces de roba ben maques?
Aquests dies estare repassant tots els comentaris per mirar mes be els blogs i botiguetes que hi ha enllaçats.
I sense fer-vos esperar mes, la guanyadora del sorteig es:
que va dir…
Lovely notebooks! I think I prefer the trees.
La llibreta amb la tela d’arbres se’n va volant cap a casa seva. L’Adrianne viu a Nova Zelanda i veureu el magnific patchwork modern que fa al seu blog anomenat On The Windy Side. Ja teniu un agre blog a la vostra llista!

1 Comment


Felted Elbow Patches – Colzeres de Feltre

Click here to enter my giveaway

Cliqueu aqui per participar en el meu sorteig


I’ve just discovered this felting madness! I’ve been wanting to give it a go for so long! I finally  purchased a bit of roving from here and some felting needles and other tools from here. I couldn’t wait to receive them and try this tutorial. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out so I will be upcycling a few more tops that I have.


This roving is so soft and the colours are so beautiful. I have plenty to keep me going for a while with the 12 colours I got (0.36 oz each), but I’m so tempted to get more…


Acabo de descobrir un altra vici hobby! Feltrar. Feia temps que volia provar de fer alguna cosa aixi i finalment vaig comprar una mica de llana aquí i unes quantes agulles i material per feltrar aquí. Quines ganes tenia de rebre-ho i provar aquest tutorial. M’agrada molt com ha quedat i ara penso tunejar més samarretes.


Aquesta llana és tan suau i el colors tan bonics! En tinc suficient per anar tirant amb els 12 capdells que vaig comprar (10gr cada unitat), però estic temptada a comprar més colors!

1 Comment


Sew Mama Sew Giveaway!

 Hello! Thank you for landing on my blog! I’m sure your busy popping from one to another so I’ll go straight to the point. I need to ask you one thing though. I have recently moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress and I’m trying to build up my reader crowd again. It is not a requisite at all to enter the giveaway but I would really really love it if you decided to follow me via email (top right on sidebar). THANK YOU!

 I love Sew Mama Sew’s Giveaway Days, I always discover new blogs to follow and inspire me so I hope you find a good bunch of them this time too.

So here’s what I have for one lucky winner

An A5 covered notebook like this one made by me. If you want to see more detailed photos of it you can click here.

(The one you’ll win will be freshly made jut for you)

You can choose the fabric: Buttons or Trees (scroll down to see the Trees…)


All you have to do to enter is this:

1. Write a comment in this post telling me which fabric you would prefer for your notebook, buttons or trees?

2. OPTIONAL: share this giveaway and you can have an extra entry by linking it on a new comment in this post.

That’s it, easy peasy, nice and quick.

This giveaway is open until the 8th of December at 12pm (Irish time).

International entries are welcome.

The winner will be selected by random, contacted by email and announced in this blog.

Good luck and keep checking all the other blogs by clicking here


 Hola! Torna a ser aqui el giveaway de Sew Mama Sew! esteu preparades per descobrir nous blog i provar sort? jo si!Sempre acabo descobrint algun blog nou.

Com ja sabeu, estreno look al meu blog, aixi que podeu donar una ullada a veure que us sembla (jo encara m’hi he d’acostumar!). Pero anem al gra, que es el que sortejo?


Una llibreta A5 amb funda com aquesta feta per mi! podeu triar una de les teles que veieu a les fotos. Si la voleu veure mes detalladament cliqueu aqui.

(la que guanyareu no es la de la foto, en fare una de nova)

Per participar nomes cal fer aixo:

1. Escriviu un comentari en aquest post dient-me quina tela preferiu per la llibreta, botons o arbres?

2. OPCIONAL: Si compartiu aquest sorteig al vostre blog o FB tindreu una altra oportunitat, nomes cal enllac,ar-ho amb un nou comentari en aquest post.

Teniu temps d’escriure el vostre comentari fins el dia 8 de desembre a les 12pm (hora irlandesa).

Envio internacionalment.

El guanyador@ el triare a l’atzar, l’avisare amb un correu electronic  i publicare el seu nom en aquesty blog.

Bona sort i continueu descobrint blogs clicant a la imatge de Sew Mama Sew de mes amunt!



Ready for a giveaway? – Preparats per un sorteig?

Sew Mama Sew is hosting its biannual giveaway! It  starts tomorrow so come back here again to have a chance to win something really nice that I’ve made. You will also have the chance to discover other blogs and enter their giveaway.


Torna a ser l’hora dels sortejos de Sew Mama Sew! Comencen demà, així que no oblideu tornar a passar per aquí per participar i poder guanyar una coseta ben bonica que he fet. També tindreu l’oportunitat de descobrir nous blogs i participar en els seus sortejos.


Filed under GIVEAWAYS - SORTEIG, Uncategorized