Category Archives: PAPER

31: preparant una festa! / getting ready for a party!

31 setmanes… falten 9.
He fet la foto de la meva panxa pero encara no l’he baixat a l’ordinador!!! es va fent gran…
No hi ha gaires novetats pero, nomes unes quantes contraccions de Braxton-Hick de tant en tant i molt de moviment. Aixo si, sempre para quiet quan algu posa la ma per notar com es mou! Si no fos perque tinc la panxa com un globus igual no es creurien que porto un nen a dintre…
Aquestes dues setmanes que hem passat no he estat gaire be, m’estic recuperant, ara si que ja del tot, d’una infeccio de pit bastant forta. Ara nomes segueixo amb la tos emprenyadora. Amb dues setmanes de baixa,  una nena voltant al teu costat constantment i quan el cap i l’energia m’ho ha permes, he pogut fer unes quantes coses per preparar la festa d’aniversari de la Hana, que fara 3 anys el dia 26! 3 anys… 
Vam tallar cintes de colors d’uns 2.5cm i vam anar fent cadenes seguint els colors de l’Arc de Sant Marti. 
Tambe he pogut cosir unes quantes cosetes que ensenyare aquesta setmana.
De moment, puc dir que tot va be, em sento millor i aquesta setmana ja torno a treballar, tot i que tinc ganes de comenc,ar la baixa per maternitat!
we also made muffins
tambe vam poder fer magdalenes
31 weeks… 9 to go…
I did take a pic of my belly but I haven’t downloaded them yet! Believe me, it’s getting big…
There isn’t much to say this week though, only feeling some Braxton-Hick contractions and a lot of movement. Mind you, he always stops moving and kicking as soon as someone wants to feel it and put their hand on my tummy. If it wasn’t because I have a belly as big as a balloon people wouldn’t believe I’m carrying a baby in here… I have not been well the last 2 weeks, but now I am finally recovering from a nasty chest infection. I still have this very annoying cough that seems not to go away at all. 
So with 2 weeks off work, a little girl wondering around me all the time and when my head and energy let me, we could make some decorations for her birthday party. Hana is going to be 3 next monday 26th! 3 already!
We cut coloured card strips, about 1″ thick and made a chain following the rainbow colours. She loved it and is really excited about it. I also managed to sew a few little things that I will show you during the week.
So I can say that so far, everything is going well, I’ll be back to work this week, although I’m really looking forward to go on maternity leave!


Filed under EMBARÀS, PAPER, pregnancy

preparant-me per una fira de Nadal – getting ready for a Christmas market

Aquest any vull tenir una paradeta al mercat de Nadal de Kinvara. Nomes dura dos dies i crec que seria una bona oportunitat per veure com aniria la cosa si ho fes mes sovint.
De moment estic fent postals i punts de llibre, pero tambe tinc altres projectes a la llista.

They all come with their envelope in a plastic sleeve
Totes van amb un sobre dins d’un sobre de plastic

and my stamp on the back
i el meu segell al darrere

This year I’d like to take part in the Christmas market in Kinvara, it only runs for two days, so it will be a good opportunity to have a taste and see how it would be if I decided to this on a regular basis.
I’m making lots of cards and bookmarks at the moment, but I also have other little projects in the list.


Filed under PAPER

handmade book – llibre fet a ma

He apres que cada grup de paper doblegat es diu “signatura”. El meu llibre te 12 signatures.
I learnt that each group of 4 folded sheets of paper is called a “signature”, 
so my book has 12 signatures.

Cinta de lli encerada
Waxed linen thread

I chose this ribbon after choosing the paper for the covers. Turquoise and brown, perfect!
Vaig escollir la cinta despres d’escollir el paper per les cobertes. Turquesa i marro, perfecte!

sorry it was night time and had no natural light!
era de nit i no tenia llum natural!
After the ribbon was stuck to the first page on either side, I made the covers.
Despres d’enganxar la cinta a la primera pagina de cada costat, vaig fer les cobertes.

A piece of triangular paper for the corners makes a nice finish.
Un troc, de paper triangular per les cantonades fa un bon acabat.

Anice touch: a page of very thin paper before start writing away…
Un bon detall afegit: una pagina de paper molt fi abans d’escriure…
And here’s my book!
I aqui teniu el meu llibre!
thank you Una!


Filed under PAPER

Japanese biding and a sneak pic – enquadernat japones i una petita ullada

It’s a pretty simple technique once you get the hang of it.
Es una tecnica senzilla un cop li enganxes el truc.
Guess what’s the material for the cover,
Endevineu que es el material de la coberta ,
it’s wall paper!
paper per empaperar parets (visca les aliteracions!)

It makes a pretty little notebook, or sketch book, or journal…
it just took me 5 minutes to do the binding, but first you have to decide how thick 
you want it to be and cut your paperget a soft cover and that’s it!

Queda una llibreta molt maca… l’enquadernat el vaig fer en 5 minuts, 
pero abans has de triar una coberta i decidir el gruix que vols,
tallar el paper i llestos!

I just came from Una’s place a while ago where I started to learn how to do another kind of binding, just like this one, and I want to show you a bit of what I did. I haven’t finished it yet (we like to chat you see) hopefully over the weekend I will, but it’s coming out beautifully!
Fa una estona que he vingut de casa l’Una on estava aprenent a fer l’altre enquadernat, com aquest, i us vull ensenyar una miqueta del que he fet. Encara no esta acabat, espero que aquest cap de setmana el podre acabar (amb tanta xarrera la cosa s’allarga), pero esta quedant precios!

oi que es maca aquesta cinta?
isn’t this ribbon just lovely?

If you are interested in buying any of Una’s handcrafted books you can contact her through the link above. If you live in Ireland (or are planning to visit the country!), why don’t you try and arrange a workshop with her, you’d be done in 3 hours and leave with your own book.

There are some tutorials like this on the internet,  but of course you’d miss the pleasure of meeting Una, walk around the island and have the chance of seeing all her work.

Si esteu interessats en comprar un d’aquest llibrets podeu contactar amb l’Una a traves de l’enllac, que us he deixat mes amunt. Si viviu a Irlanda, o teniu planejat un viatge per aqui, perque no us animeu a fer un taller? en 3 horetes tindrieu el vostre llibre!
o… podeu donar un cop d’ull a aquesta tutorial,  tot i que us perdrieu el plaer de coneixer-la personalment, de caminar per l’illa, i de veure totes les coses que fa!


Filed under PAPER

Mini Foto Album and Facebook!

Estic aprenent a fer mes coses amb paper
 i de moment aquest es el primer petit projecte.
Tinc sort de tenir una veina a qui tambe li agraden les manualitats,
la Una Jordan es la que m’esta ensenyant a fer tot aixo.

I’m learning to make more things with paper
and this is my first little project so far.
I’m lucky to live next door to another crafter,
Una Jordan, who is teaching me to make all this.

un petit llibret-acordio que es pot fer servir com a album de fotos
it’s a mini acordion book that can be used as a foto album

el pots fer tan llarg com vulguis
you can make it as long as you like

L’he fet amb paper d’origami que m’han enviat de Wholeport per entrar en un concurs. Necessito molta gent a qui li “agradi” aquest llibret. Si us ha agradat, els hi podeu dir? gracies!cliqueu aqui
I used origami paper that Wholeport sent me to enter their competition. I need a lot of people to “like” it on their facebook page. So if you like it… would you go and tell them? thank you!


Filed under PAPER

Fishes and Bubbles – Peixets i Bombolles

Yep! I’m making cards again!
Ja tornen els animalons de paper! estic fent postals…


Filed under PAPER


Aqui teniu una tutorial d’una activitat per fer amb els vostres petits. Tenia molt d’exit amb els meus alumnes quan ensenyava en una aula Montessori. No forma part del material de Montessori pero segueix la mateixa linea d’aillar el concepte que es vol ensenyar, que en aquest cas son tres figures geometriques: cercle, triangle i quadrat.
Es important utilitzar nomes un color per aillar les figures. Si cada figura tingues un color diferent, no sabriem si estan classificant per colors o per figures. Si volguessiu ensenyar els colors, haurieu d’utilitzar nomes una figura i els diferents colors que volgueu ensenyar.
Here’s a tutorial for an activity to do with the little ones. It was very popular with my pupils in a Montessori classroom where I used to teach. It is not part of the Montessori material, but it follows the same method of isolating the concept you want to teach, which in this case are three geometrical shapes: circle, triangle and square.

It is important to use the same colour to isolate the shape. If you used a colour for each shape, you wouldn’t know if the child is sorting it by colour or by shape. If you wanted to teach colours, you would use one shape only and the different colours you want to teach.

5 plats de paper
cola de barra
cartulina d’un color
plastificadora (o podeu portar-ho a plastificar)

5 paper plates
glue (bar)
card (one colour)

Talleu dos plats per la meitat i grapeu una de les meitat sobre un plat sencer amb les cares oposades per formar una mena de butxaca. Feu 3 butxaques, una per cada figura.
Cut 3 plates in half. Staple one of the halves onto a whole plate facing opposite to each other to make a pocket.

 Amb la cartulina, talleu quadrats, triangles i cercles que hi capiguen dins la butxaca.
Enganxeu una figura a cada butxaca. 
Cut triangles, squares and circles out of the card in a size so they fit into the pocket.
Stick one of each shape onto each pocket.

Plastifiqueu la resta de les figures de cartulina.
Laminate the rest of the shapes.

Enganxeu els plats a qualsevol espai de paret que tingueu amb bluetack. ja estan preparats per omplir-los amb les seves figures.
Stick the plates onto any wall surface with blue tack. They’re ready to be filled up with their shapes now.

– podeu anar afegint figures a mida que les van aprenent.
– podeu fer servir aquest metode per ensenyar:
estampats (amb paper de regal), 
vocabulari amb dibuixos o fotografies de diferents temes
(diferents fotos de gats, gossos, ocells, etc. per animals), roba, aliments, joguines… la llista es infinita!

– you could add more shapes as they learn.
– you could use this method to teach colours, patterns (with wrapping paper), numbers, letters, words, vocabulary with pictures, e.g. different pictures or even photos of cats, dogs, birds, etc. for animals, or food, clothes, toys… the list is endless!




Ja puc ensenyar la tarjeta que vaig fer per l’Intercanvi de Tarjetes organitzat per la Beth. La meva “victima”, dels EEUU,  ja l’ha rebut i l’ha publicat al grup de flickr, i li ha agradat :o)

Vaig fer servir paper per imprimir la dita irlandesa. Despres vaig fer flors de quilling i, amb la maquina de cosir, vaig fer una cenefa senzilla al voltant. Els talls de les flors els he cosit tambe a maquina, escollint un dels molts punts que te la maquina (per fi els puc fer servir!).

I can show the rest of the card I made for the Big Swap Card that Beth organized. My victim, in the USA, has received it and already published it on the flickr stream and she liked it! :o)

Sooty is a great model, isn’t she?

I used paper strips to print the Irish saying, I made the quilling flowers and stitched all around the card as a border. The stems and leaves are also machine stitched, choosing from the many different patterns my machine has (at last I could try them!)

La Beth va sortejar 10 sets de 3 postals fetes per ella i vaig ser una de les afortunades. Oi que son maques?

I was one of the ten lucky winners in the draw from all participating cards and I received this set of 3 handmade cards by Beth. 

Aren’t they lovely?


Filed under PAPER


He participat en l’intercanvi de postals fetes a mà i ahir vaig acabar la meva postal. És el segon intercanvi que es fa (el primer me’l vaig perdre perquè no sabia que es feia!) i aquest cop el tema era “la llar”.  Un dels requisits és que ha d’haver algun punt cosit i jo he fet una barreja: he cosit a màquina i he afegit paper… Us ensenyo un detall de la postal, pero la podreu veure sencera quan la persona que la rebi faci una foto i la penji al grup de flickr (on ja podeu veure algunes de les que ja s’han rebut).
M’he inspirat en una dita irlandesa que diu així:

Níl aon tinteán  mar do thinteán féin

que traduït  vol dir:

No hi ha cap llar com la teva llar

Avui la meva postal viatjara cap a una altra llar… i espero que agradi!

Pero hi ha mes! Entre totes les participant s’ha fet un sorteig i jo he sigut una de les 10 guanyadores!!! Aviat rebré 3 postals fetes a ma per la Beth, la organitzadora d’aquest intercanvi. Gràcies Beth!

I joined the Big Stitched Postacard Swap and yesterday I finished making mine. It’s the second swap that has been organised (I missed the first one) and the theme was “home”. One of the rules was to add some stitching, so I made a mixture. I used some machine stitching, and added some paper crafting… You can see a little detail now, but I’m not going to show it until the person who it is for receives it. You’ll probably see it in the flickr group, so in the meantime go and have a look at all the ones that have reached their destination!

I got inspired by an old Irish saying:

Níl aon tinteán  mar do thinteán féin

which translates :

There is no home like your own home

Today my postcard is traveling to another home. I hope they like it!

But hang on… there’s more! There was a giveaway for all the participants and I’m one of the ten lucky winners! I’ll receive 3 handmade postcards by Beth, who organized the Card Swap. Thank you Beth!




Aquesta es una tecnica d’enrotllar tires de paper de colors i moldejar-les per crear formes de flors, animals, etc.
Podeu decorar tarjetes, felicitacions, punts de llibres o fer petits quadrets i enmarcar-los amb un passepartout.

This is a technique of rolling thin straps of coloured paper and shaping them to create flowers, animals, etc.
You can decorate labels, cards, bookmarks or even make little framed compositions.



un peix / a fish
un cargol  / a snail
un anec / a duck

marietes i abelles / ladybirds and bees

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