Category Archives: Etsy

It’s all about Bib… and a Giveaway!


Yeah! Sunday is here and that means I can tell you all about the exciting news I have!

Visit BABYLEDBLOG to find a review for my Superbibs and the chance to win one of them. You will also find a discount code to avail of 10% off if you decide to purchase a bib on my shop here.


(photo courtesy of BabyLedBlog)

This beautiful boy is modelling a dinosaur print, one of my favourite prints I bought while I was visiting Barcelona not long ago… You will find more prints for boys, girls and gender neutral in my shop… And the stock is growing…

Good luck!

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Doing maths…

I am flying solo for the next two weeks, since Mr. F.  is touring the States (again!). That means I am a “stay at home mum” and I’ll be trying to squeeze as much stitching as I can during naps, night time sleeps, and Toy Story show times (it is the Toy Story era at home at the moment).

Last night, after tidying up the millions and gazillions of toys that were spread in the living room floor, I sat down and saw Hana’s sketch pad right in front of me. I took it and started to think of how could I use that charm pack that I cut many moons ago to do something which I can’t remember… I did draw something nice, but let’s say that my maths after 10pm are not really accurate.


Aquests dies faig de mama soltera! El senyor F. torna a estar de gira a l’altra banda de l’Atlantic (una l’atre cop!!!) aixi que intentare exprimir les hores de cosir durant les migdiades, les nits i les pel.licules de Toy Story, i es que estem en plena era de Toy Story a casa…

Ahir, despres de recollir les cincuantamil joguines escampades pel terra vaig veure els bloc de dibuix de la Hana. El vaig agafar i vaig dibuixar una idea per fer servir uns rectangles que vaig tallar fa moltes llunes per fer no se que… ja ni me’n recordo… El que passa que les mates no em quadren passades les 10pm. I avui, quan he recalculat tot, no podia sortir-me amb la meva (ja que he de comptar amb els rectangles tallats), pero si que m’he inspirat amb el dibuix que vaig fer. Ara nomes falta enumerar les tires i deixar-les enllestides per cosir-les mes endavant, abans de que vingui el carter i em porti la tela que vaig comprar a Fluffy Sheep Quilting

This morning I tried the calculations again and well, it doesn’t work with the 2 1/2″ x5″ rectangles… but I think I’ll make something nice inspired on the sketch I made last night. Having said this, I’ll better hurry up to have those rows numbered (I don’t think I’ll start sewing it), before the post comes with my order from Fluffy Sheep Quilting! I have the white triangles  cut for another rainbow wonky square quilt that a lady from America has ordered. I’m pretty sure she’s a first time mum and, oh boy, her joy and excitement is contageous! I love making these wonky squares and it makes me so happy that somebody across the sea wants it to decorate their baby’s nursery. 


Last week I finished another custom quilt for a little girl called Ciara. I like the fabric choice that her aunt made and I think the pattern works well with it too. It’s a pretty simple pattern I made that works well with 4 coordinating prints, that’s why I decided to offer as a custom order at the shop.

Ja tinc els triangles tallats per fer un altre quilt de Wonky Squares que una noia d’America m’ha encarregat. Crec que es mare primerenca perque esta tan entusiasmada que s’encomana i tot (l’entusiasme, no les ganes de tenir-ne un altre que ja en tinc prou).


This quilt measures 38″x 51″ and I used 4 prints from the line Enchant by Riley Blake and 3 Kona solids (white, ash and posy). I free motion quilted it with that stippled effect that I seem to not being able to leave alone (I wish I could try something different but I’m too scared!!!)

La setmana passada vaig acabar un altre encarrec, un quilt per a una nena que es diu Ciara (es pronuncia Kira). M’agrada molt la tela que la seva tieta li ha triat i crec que s’hi ave molt be amb el diseny que he fet. Per aixo l’ofereixo com a encarrec a la botiga, amb 4 teles estampades i 3 de llises queda molt be. 


And there is another thing I’m thinking of… again sketching it and trying to do my best at maths! Hopefully I’ll be giving a tutorial on how to make a cute toiletry bag. This time I’ll try to make it into a pdf. I’d like to have a couple of pattern testers… would anyone be interested? Thank you in advance 🙂 That’s all for now, I better go and pick up my darling princess from school! Here’s how she looks like when she telling me a thousand stories… and Conor is faster than a rocket…



I tambe hi ha una altra cosa que estic maquinant… estic dibuixant, disenyant i calculant! Espero tenir aviat un tutorial preparat per fer un necessaire, aquest cop m’agradaria tenir-lo en pdf. M’agradaria tenir un parell de cosidores voluntaries per provar el patro, algu s’hi anima?

I be, aixo es tot, millor sue em prepari per anar a recollir la Hana a l’escola. Aqui la teniu, aixi es posa quan  m’esta explicant mil histories! I el Conor, que es mes rapid que un coet



Merry Christmas everyone! Bon Naldal a tothom!

Oh dear Oh dear, I do miss blogland a lot! I miss you all!But really… I have work coming out of my ears, as the Spaniards say… I’m “on holidays” from the primary school where I have been working as a Special Needs Assistant, but I am still working for the charity organisation as a social carer. I’m happy though that I can breath a bit more. So what have I been doing?

It is Chrsitmas Eve now and we have lovely stormy weather out on this tiny island. You should see our hens trying to walk against this wind! Sometimes I think they’ll fly across the bay over to Galway city

Last night, after a few days of madness, just when I had the children in bed and I was snuggling on the sofa, looking forward to doing nothing but to watch a filim (as the Irish say it), the electricity went off. The only time I decide to watch TV. So no filim for me. Anyway, I’ll try to snuggle up later on, after making sure that Santa has left all the pressies

Besides doing my duties as WOHMACWASAHM (Working Outside Home Mum And Continue Working As a Stay At Home Mum) I kind of managed to frantically sew a good decent amount of stock for (wohoo!!!!) my stall at the local Christmas Market!!! It took me 4 years to finally get myself sorted and make it to the market. I had so much fun! I was sharing table with my crafty neighbour who makes the most beautiful hand bound journals. People were saying our stall had the best cutest display… I learnt a lot about displaying though, people seemed really attracted to the stall because there was a lot of colour, a lot of stuff on the table and they were allowed to touch. Athough I booked the place for only one day, somebody had cancelled their place so I was offered to go back on the next day. Then my stock was much better displayed, a friend had lent me a nice cast iron screen where I could hang the bibs, cardigans and dresses. You can see some shots (sorry for the quality of the photos, taken with my phone!)


The different sized baskets worked really well and the linen cloth over the stripy fabric was nice too. It was funny though, that before I had made any sale, a lady approached to ask me how much was the bunting… Altough I made it (for my daughter’s birthday party) it wasn’t for sale… and when I was packing up at the end of the day, a lady came to ask me how much were the baskets!!!

photo 1

some of the knitwear I have under the label “Lamama Knits”

So here’s a few things I learnt (and if you have any tips to share the more the merrier!):

– Have different height levels to display on your table, use boxes or baskets stacked on top of the other.

– Go around your house to see if you have any little bits and bobs, nice wooden boxes, baskets, bowls, etc to display your stock in.

– Have something made that is easy and fast and can sell at a very affordable price. I had lots of hairbands that didn’t seem to sell online on my Etsy shop. People go to crafts markets prepared to buy at least something. If you have something less than €10, it will probably go quick. So I put all the hairbands in a basket (Hana’s doll’s clothes basket)  at €5 together with the dummy holders at €7. They sold fast!

–  I didn’t have any patchwork quilts for sale for 2 reasons. I didn’t have time to build a good stock and I thought they’d be too pricey for what people would be looking for. Instead, I had patchwork blankets, they sold and people now know that I also make quilts.

Overall, I think I did pretty well, I wanted to let people know I am here and I am local and I handed out lots of business cards (and what a good idea it was, I got a call yesterday from a customer who wanted to buy one of my bags that his girlfriend liked!).

I hope you are all doing well, stitching a lot and making beautiful things! Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you so much to those of you who have made contact in some way to say hello and ask about my whereabouts. It is really so nice to feel appreciated like this! And I’m sorry that I haven’t visit your blogs or participated as much as I’d have liked to… Life is a bit crazy at the moment! Crazy but fun…

photo 4

Una’s hand bound journals, cards and bookmarks


Buf buf, com trobo a faltar llegir els vostres blogs i els vostres comentaris! Pero es que no paro no paro i no paro! Per fi estic “de vacances” de l’escola de primaria on he estat treballant pero segueixo com sempre a la organitzacio de treball social. Aixi que quan no estic treballant fora de casa, segueixo treballant dins de casa (com tothom, oi?).

Aquesta nit ens estem preparant per a que Santa Claus aterri a la teulada amb els rens. Ho he intentat, pero cada vegada que parlo del Cagatio la gent em mira com si estigues ben boja, i ja no us dic res del Caganer… aixi que segueixo la tradicio del Santa que baixa per la xemeneia… 

photo 2

hairbands in a basket, dummy holders, fabric covered notebooks and business cards…

No se per que els catalans som tan escatologics, em pregunta el meu company:  entre el Cagatio, el Caganer, el conte del Patufet, que ma mare li desitji molta merda abans de pujar a l’escenari i que ens caguem en tot quan ens emprenyem o enviem allo que no ens agrada a la merda… apa aqui, es curios que mai no m’havia adonat fins que ell m’ho va fer veure… Doncs si, debem tenir una fixacio amb les femtes. Que hi farem. Segur que a hores d’ara tota Catalunya esta fent cagar el Cagatio a cops de pal (aixo tambe els va sobtar als irlandesos, que despres de cuidar-lo i mamnt-lo tant durant dies, ben calentet sota la manta, acabem fotent-li pals per fer-lo cagar). 

Be, us dic que es el que he fet aquests dies. No se com, vaig poder fer d’una revolada un estock prou decent per poder tenir una parada al mercat de Nadal! i que be que m’ho vaig passar. Per sort, una persona va cancel.lar la seva parada, i en comptes d’estar-m’hi un dia, m’hi vaig estar dos! Vaig compartir taula amb la meva veina que enquaderna unes llibretes supermaques. La gent ens deia que la nostra parada era la mes maca del mercat… he he, tampoc deuria ser per tant, pero si que feiem goig…

photo 3

cardigans, dresses and bib-aprons

Si algun dia teniu pensar fer parada en una fira, aqui teniu el que he apres:

– Intenteu tenir els articles sobre la taula a diferents nivells d’alçada, apilant caixes o cistells, etc…, queda mes atractiu a la vista.

– Segur que per casa teniu coses maques com cistellets, capsetes, bols, plats…etc… on podeu posar les coses de maneres diferents.

– Tingueu articles que siguin facils i rapids de fer i que es puguin vendre a preus molt assequibles. La gent acostuma a voler comprar alguna cosa, el que sigui, i si es a menys de €10 ja ho teniu fet. Jo tenia una pila de cintes per al cabell que no es venien gaire be a Etsy, en canvi a la parada, posades dintre d’un cistell a €5 van volar quasi totes.

I be, si teniu alguna idea o consell mes que podeu afegir a aquesta llista, compartiu-la!!!

De mentres, espero que passeu un Bon Nadal i us desitjo un Feliç Any Nou 2014. Moltes gracies a tots (totes, vaja) les que heu contactat per una via o altra amb mi per saludar-me i preguntar com anem. De bolit! Perdoneu que no visiti els vostres blogs i no hi participi tant com m’agradaria. A poc a poc anire treien el cap!



Knitting and crochet


I have listed these lovely dresses in my Etsy shop… if they’re successful I think I’ll be making them in different sizes and accepting custom orders… I might do a tute for the crochet ones 🙂

Do you ever knit and crochet? I like it because you can take your work anywhere and sit comfortably with people around you. The sewing machine, although I LOVE her, isolates you in your room… plus you can’t take her with you wherever you go. If you do knit or crochet, what do you like making?


He llistat aquests vestits a la botiga d’Etsy. Si tenen exit en fare mes i fare varies mides. Potser m’animo a ensenyar un tutorial per fer-ne un de ganxet. Vosaltres en feu de mitja o ganxet? Tot i que no en faig sovint, m’agrada perque t’ho pots endur a tot arreu, seure comodament amb algu al voltant. Pero amb la maquina de cosir, tot i que m’encanta cosir amb ella, et quedes aillada a l’habitacio i no te la pots endur enlloc…

Que es el que mes us agrada fer de punt o ganxet?



An Etsy Giveaway: Nurananu

Well here’s the first post about Etsy and its sellers!

I have the pleasure to introduce you Nuria from NURANANU!



Hi! My name is Nuria and I have a little shop in Etsy which, for those who don’t know about it, it is one of the biggest handmade and vintage on-line marketplace.

I fell in love with Etsy and its philosophy on new commerce from the very beginning. Soon after getting to know it, I tried to summarise all the things I found appealing about it in this post which I first published in, From there, and to my surprise, it was widely spread through Facebook and Twitter.

I realised then, that I was not the only one falling in love with this way of doing. I realised there is a bunch of people out there who, fed up with some weird side effects of globalization, are also looking for fairer ways of commerce. Because… let’s be honest, does any of you think that what we pay for our clothes in certain clothes store chains is really paying the makers’ work? I don’t think so. But still we will complain about the buttons falling off after a few days… Although we are not paying for quality, we expect it! We have lost sight of the cost of material and workforce. It is very sad but news like this one are not surprising to us anymore. We just close our eyes and keep buying!

My struggle at home: Children do not need the million clothes they own. They do not know what to wear if there is so much anyway. We can spend the money in less things of better quality.


I decided to open a shop on Etsy, first of all, to keep my sanity after becoming mum for a second time. Also to keep me mentally updated and understand how e-commerce works, to avoid making a “poker face” when the young ones talk about social media, to avoid become a dinosaur, really. I did it in order to understand the changes that occur in the world around me (and my children). It’s a kind of fight against my personal obsolescence.

Not to mention the fact that this little project brought together all the things I always liked: design, crafting, photography photo edition, writting, getting to know people, inventing logos, learning new stuff… It all started like a little game to fill my spare time with something creative. Slowly, I found myself looking for more time to complete my self-imposed tasks and now I consider bringing it to the next level trying to get a little income out of it.



If you are considering opening a shop in Etsy I would recommend you to investigate inside the platform. You will find everything there as well as in Etsy’s blog, and whatever you can’t find you could ask in your team threads, where you will find plenty of people willing to help you.


There are plenty of lovely shops! You can find just anything! Since I have to choose only two of them I will pick two of my own “field”, as they also work with needles and yarn.

The first one: Knitbranda, owned by sisters Paula and Mariana from Buenos Aires. When I grow up I want to be like them. They have an amazing shop. All of their articles are ordered like a colour chart, which produces in me the same fascination you get when you open a brand new colour pencil box. You can almost feel the smell of the wood. They are not only efficient but also extremely friendly, fun and helpful. I have to publicly mention it here, otherwise there wouldn’t be a way for me to thank them enough for all their good advise. 🙂

The second one I want to tell you about is Thesummerhouseshop owned by Zaida Martín. She is just starting with extremely delicate articles and an impeccable photography. I met her in an Etsy gathering. Zaida emanates the same sensitivity as her work. It was a pleasure to meet her and plenty of good omens, with no doubt.


This was my first shopping in Etsy. It was a kind of trial to see how the transaction worked. I loved it from the first moment! It is a printing of a painting by Tali, an israeli artist who has a beautiful shop called Tushtush.

I have also bought supplies on Etsy for my own crafts, but one of the purchase I have made that I remember with fondness is three pins (little red ridding hood, wolf and a dragon) by Teresa Sánchez from Ovejitabe.


Aqui teniu el  primer post sobre Etsy i els seus venedors/es!

Us presento la Nuria de NURANANU!



Hola! Em dic Núria i tinc una petita botigueta a Etsy que, pels qui no ho sàpiguen, és un dels majors portals de venda d’artesania on-line.

Etsy i el seu plantejament del nou comerç em van enamorar des d’un principi i em va empènyer a escriure l’article, que mencionava la Irina l’altre dia. Aquesta entrada, en que vaig mirar de sintetitzar tot el que m’atreia d’aquesta plataforma, va tenir bona acollida al blog coral on la vaig publicar originàriament.

Amb això, em vaig adonar que aquest era un moviment que no només m’estava enamorant a mí, sino a un munt de gent que, farts dels efectes secundaris de la globalització, busquen altres formes de comerç més justes perque, no ens enganyem, de veritat creieu que pagant segons quins preus a cadenes de roba, que tots coneixem, estem retribuint de forma justa la feina de qui l’ha fet? Jo crec que no. Penso que hem perdut de vista el cost real de les coses, tant dels materials com de la confecció. I a sobre ens queixarem quan se li caiguin els botons passats dos dies… Es molt trist però notícies com aquesta ja no ens sorprenen.

La meva lluita personal: Els nens no necesiten un milió de prendres. No necessiten el munt de roba que tenen. Menys coses i de millor qualitat.


Vaig decidir obrir una botiga a Etsy, en primer lloc, per no tornar-me boja durant la meva segona maternitat, per mantenir el cap en forma, per entendre tot això del comerç on line, per no posar cara de xina qual els joves parlen de reds socials, perque no vull ser un dinosaure, perque vull entendre els canvis que es produeixen al món de la comunicació i amotllar-m’hi. Una mena de lluita personal contra la obsolescència.

A banda, aquest petit projecte reunia totes les coses que sempre m’ha agradat fer: fer coses amb les meves mans, escriure, fer fotografies, editar-les, inventar-me un logo, conèixer gent, aprendre coses noves… Va començar com un petit joc a hores mortes i ara em plantejo si no podria enfilar-ho a un altre nivel i convertir-ho en una ocupació que pugués arribar a complementar l’economia familiar.


A qui vulgués obrir-hi una botiga li diria que investigués a dins del propi portal, que s’unís a algún grup. Hi ha un munt d’informació sobre les coses que funcionen, sobre experiències d’altri… Si parles anglés trobaràs tot el que et cal. I si llegir en anglès et fa mandra o no acaba d’arribar-te téns una altra opció: (i ara sembla que escombri cap a casa pero) et recomanaria molt i molt que li donésiss una ullada al blog Etsy habla español.

Donat que sembla que Etsy no acaba de decidir-se a donar-nos un espai a la pàgina oficial. Hem iniciat aquest blog, de forma extraoficial. Es tracta d’una iniciativa que va sorgir del nucli del grup de gent que va traduir Etsy al castellà i al qual hi participo de tant en tant amb algún article, ja sigui traducció del blog oficial o de nova creació.

Aquests barrets reversibles aviat estaran a la venda a Nurananu!


These reversible hats will be for sale soon on Nurananu


Un parell de botigues que m’agraden molt… Buf. N’hi ha un munt! Hi ha botigues fantàstiques! Hi pots trobar de tot. Però com que n’he d’escollir dues em quedo amb un parell “del meu ram”. Vull dir que també fan coses amb fils i agulles.

La primera. La de les germanes Paula y Mariana de Buenos Aires. Quan sigui gran vull ser com elles. Tenen una botiga fantàstica, Knitbranda. Tots els seus articles estan ordenats formant una paleta de colors, que em produeix la mateixa fascinació que el moment d’obrir una caixa de colors nova. Quasi sents la olor de la fusta. No només són eficients amb la seva botiga sino que, a nivell personal, són encantadores. He tingut molt contacte amb la Paula, a través dels treballs de traducció que hem realitzat. He de dir-ho aquí públicament, perque d’altra manera no em serà possible poder-li agraïr mai el munt de bons consells que m’ha arribat a donar.

La segona que voldria mencionar és Thesummerhouseshop de la Zaida Martín. Tot just arrenca amb uns articles d’una delicadesa extrema i amb una fotografía impecable. Vaig coincidir amb ella en una trobada de venedors d’Etsy. La Zaida despren la mateixa sensibilitat que la seva obra. Un plaer conèixer-la i bons auguris, sens dubte.


Aquesta va ser la meva primera compra a Etsy. Era una mena de prova, volia veure com funcionava tot a la hora de realitzar una transacció. Aquesta va ser l’excusa, la realitat és que em va encantar! Es una impressió sobre tela d’una pintura realitzada per la Tali, una artista israelí que té una botiga preciosa anomenada Tushtush.

A Etsy també hi he comprat materials per fer coses jo. Entre els meus favorits, tinc uns quants fils assenyalats per futurs articles però una altra de les compres que recordo amb tendresa, son les tres agulles que li vaig comprar a la Teresa Sánchez de Ovejitabe. La caputxeta, el llop i un drac. En realitat, tot i que les vaig comprar per regalar, encara són al meu calaix! 😉


Nuria has very kindly offered an item from her shop to give away. International entries welcome!

For a chance to win this beautiful scarf in any of these three colours

visit Nuria’s Etsy shop and write a comment here telling us which item you like the best.

For extra optional chances (write a separate comment for each):

1. Follow NURANANU on Facebook.

2. Follow El Petit Taller on Facebook.

This giveaway will stay open for 2 weeks.

The winner will be announced in this post and notified via email on the 6th of May.

tres colors

La Nuria ha ofert molt generosament aquesta article de la seva botiga per sortejar entre vosaltres.

Per poder guanyar aquesta bufanda en un d’aquests tres colors nomes cal

visitar la seva botiga i tornar aqui per escriure un comentari dient-nos quin es l’article que mes us agrada.

Si voleu mes oportunitats per guanyar (escrivint un comentari per separat):

1. Seguiu NURANANU a Facebook.

2.Seguiu El Petit Taller a Facebook.

El sorteig queda obert fins el 6 de Maig i el guanyador@ s’anunciara aqui en aquest post

a part de ser avisat@ via email.


Filed under Etsy, GIVEAWAYS - SORTEIG

Etsy Goodness and some giveaways

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A while ago I bumped into Nura Nanu‘s and thought it was a very interesting blog. Nuria and I have a few things in common, we’re both Catalan, living abroad, we’re mums, we blog, we work, we create and we have an Etsy shop!

I read a post she wrote about Etsy shopping and I couldn’t agree more on the 12 reasons she gives to buy handmade items on Etsy:

1. You open a door to creativity and uniqueness.

2. You support to establish a new model of economy.

3. You get personalised and one of a kind items.

4. Really good value at affordable prices.

5. You support individuals and not big corporations.

6. You deal directly with the crafter.

7. You become part of a community.

8. It’s easy and fun.

9. You get unique gifts.

10. Supporting human rights, say no to sweatshops!

11. Eco-friendly, as most of the big companies do not respect the environment.

12. You get good quality items, as nobody was forced to rush while making your item…

Aren’t these good reasons to support handmade?

Do you know about Etsy?

Have you ever bought anything on Etsy?

Do you have an Etsy shop yourself?

I would like to spread the word about Etsy and its sellers. That’s why every so often I’m going to invite an Etsy seller here to my blog so they can introduce themselves, talk about what they do and maybe share a tutorial, some tips and other things. Oh… and they’ll offer a giveaway too!

Don’t forget to pop in soon to meet Nuria from Nura Nanu and enter the chance to win her fabulous giveaway!


Fa temps que em vaig topar amb Nura Nanu, un blog molt interessant creat per la Nuria. Ella i jo tenim bastantes coses en comu: som catalanes vivint a l’estranger, som mames, treballem, som artesanes i tenim una botiga a Etsy!

Quan vaig llegir aquest post em va agradar molt i vaig pensar que tenia tota la rao. 12 raons per comprar articles fets a ma a Etsy.

Oi que son raons prou bones?

Heu sentit a parlar d’Etsy?

Alguna vetada hi heu comprat?

Teniu botiga a Etsy?

He decidit promoure una mica el mon d’Etsy i de tant en tant convidare a un@ botigue@ de Etsy per a que ens parlin una mica d’ells,  del que fan, el que venen i compartir alguna idea, consell i com no, oferir un article mitjanc,ant un sorteig!

Aixi que no oblideu de tornar per aqui ben aviat per coneixer la Nuria de Nura Nanu i poder participar en un sorteig !


Filed under Etsy