Tag Archives: handmade

And the winner is…

Thank you all for taking part in this giveaway, for visiting Nurananu’s shop and help to spread the love for Etsy and handmade crafts.

Thank you Nuria for offering this beautiful item and for letting us know about your Etsy experience.

So, there were a total of 23 comments (I didn’t count Nuria’s reply to one of them, can you imagine if she won her own giveaway?) and the generator showed this number:

Moltes gracies a totes les participants, gracies per visitar la botiga de Nurananu i per donar veus sobre Etsy i l’artesania online. 

Moltes gracies a tu, Nuria, per donar aquesta bufanda feta a ma com a premi i per parlar-nos de la teva experiencia amb Etsy.

Hi ha hagut un total de 23 comentaris (no compto el de la Nuria que contestava a un dels comentaris, imagineu-vos si guanyes el seu propi sorteig!), i el generador ha escollit el seguent numero:

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which belongs to:

que es del comentari de la:

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tres colors

Congratulations Nina! I’ll send you an email shortly so you can contact Nuria and give her your details and your choice of colour.

And for all of the rest who did not win, Nurananu is offering a 10% discount for any item of her shop with the coupon code SUPERSOMMER!!!

Per a la resta, la Nuria de NURANANU ofereix 10% de descompte per qualsevol article de la sega botiga amb el codi SUPERSOMMER!

Moltes felicitats Nina!

T’enviare un email per a que et posis en contacte amb la Nuria i li diguis quin color prefereixes. 

1 Comment


Etsy Goodness and some giveaways

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A while ago I bumped into Nura Nanu‘s and thought it was a very interesting blog. Nuria and I have a few things in common, we’re both Catalan, living abroad, we’re mums, we blog, we work, we create and we have an Etsy shop!

I read a post she wrote about Etsy shopping and I couldn’t agree more on the 12 reasons she gives to buy handmade items on Etsy:

1. You open a door to creativity and uniqueness.

2. You support to establish a new model of economy.

3. You get personalised and one of a kind items.

4. Really good value at affordable prices.

5. You support individuals and not big corporations.

6. You deal directly with the crafter.

7. You become part of a community.

8. It’s easy and fun.

9. You get unique gifts.

10. Supporting human rights, say no to sweatshops!

11. Eco-friendly, as most of the big companies do not respect the environment.

12. You get good quality items, as nobody was forced to rush while making your item…

Aren’t these good reasons to support handmade?

Do you know about Etsy?

Have you ever bought anything on Etsy?

Do you have an Etsy shop yourself?

I would like to spread the word about Etsy and its sellers. That’s why every so often I’m going to invite an Etsy seller here to my blog so they can introduce themselves, talk about what they do and maybe share a tutorial, some tips and other things. Oh… and they’ll offer a giveaway too!

Don’t forget to pop in soon to meet Nuria from Nura Nanu and enter the chance to win her fabulous giveaway!


Fa temps que em vaig topar amb Nura Nanu, un blog molt interessant creat per la Nuria. Ella i jo tenim bastantes coses en comu: som catalanes vivint a l’estranger, som mames, treballem, som artesanes i tenim una botiga a Etsy!

Quan vaig llegir aquest post em va agradar molt i vaig pensar que tenia tota la rao. 12 raons per comprar articles fets a ma a Etsy.

Oi que son raons prou bones?

Heu sentit a parlar d’Etsy?

Alguna vetada hi heu comprat?

Teniu botiga a Etsy?

He decidit promoure una mica el mon d’Etsy i de tant en tant convidare a un@ botigue@ de Etsy per a que ens parlin una mica d’ells,  del que fan, el que venen i compartir alguna idea, consell i com no, oferir un article mitjanc,ant un sorteig!

Aixi que no oblideu de tornar per aqui ben aviat per coneixer la Nuria de Nura Nanu i poder participar en un sorteig !


Filed under Etsy