
Hello and welcome to my blog! Here I share a bit of everything like quilting, sewing, quilling, baking and some nice TUTORIALS.

Yes! It’s this time of the year again! The Quilting Gallery is hosting the Blog Hop Party to “Beat the Winter Blues” with lots of giveaways from many bloggers from around the world. Scroll down to find out what I’m giving away and what you need to do for a chance to win and then click on the image below to be directed to the main page where you can find the list of all participants to keep hopping around. Have fun  and good luck!


Torna a ser el moment del sorteig que organitza The Quilting Gallery amb el Blog Hop Party. Llegiu mes avall per saber que es el que sortejo i que heu de fer per participar i despres cliqueu a la imatge d’aqui amunt per redirigir-vos al llistat de totes les participants d’arreu del mon i poder entrar a mes sortejos. Sort!

What am I giving away this time? This Buttercup handbag, made with Cloud 9 organic cotton. I’m including one FQ of the same line and some good size scraps. All in blue… to beat the blues and show this beautiful colour off!


You can see more photos and a full description of a bag like this one HERE. If you are not the winner or simply can’t wait and would like one, you can purchase/custom order it in my Etsy shop with a 15% discount by using the code BLOGHOP up until the 15th of March.


Sortejo aquesta bossa,  la bossa Buttercup, feta amb tela de coto organic de Cloud 9. Tambe afegire un FQ de la mateixa linia i uns retalls. Tot en tons blaus.


Per poder veure mes fotos i descripcio d’aquesta bossa cliqueu AQUI. Si no guanyeu o simplement no podeu esperar i voleu un bossa com aquesta, la podeu comprar/encarregar a la meva botiga Etsy amb un 15% de descompte fent servir el codi BLOGHOP fins el 15 de Març.



1. Follow my blog via email (by clicking on the top right box on my sidebar – where it says “of course not!”) and then leave a comment telling me from which city/town/village you are following me from (I like virtual traveling!). If you already follow me, remind me where you are!

2. For a second OPTIONAL chance you can LIKE my Facebook Page, and write a comment here letting me know you did, so I can count it as your second entry. If you already like it, just tell me so in your comment.

3. For a third OPTIONAL chance, spread the word and share this giveaway on your blog, Facebook page, or any social media you use. Again, leave a comment linking it so your entry can be counted.

– This giveaway will run until March 15th at 12pm (Irish time).

– International entries more than welcome!!!

– I’ll announce the winner here and email them to let them know, so please please please, make sure I have a way to contact you!!! Otherwise I’ll have to draw another winner.

– I normally reply to reader’s messages on the same post, I won’t be doing it here so I don’t mess up the counting! Thank you all  so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment, good luck!


1. Feu-vos seguidors d’aquest blog per via email (a dalt de tot de la barra de la dreta), i despres escriviu-me un comentari dient-me des de quina ciutat/poble em llegiu (m’agrada viatjar virtualment). Si ja en sou de seguidors, recordeu-me on sou!

2. OPCIONAL: Cliqueu “m’agrada” a la meva pagina de Facebook i escriviu un comentari en aquest post dient-me que ho heu fet per a que pugui comptar-lo com a segona entrada. Si ja us agrada, simplement em dieu que ja ho feu.

3. OPCIONAL: Feu correr la veu sobre aquest sorteig enllaçant-lo al vostre blog, Facebook o el que sigui que feu servir i torneu a escriure un comentari enllaçant-me’l per a poder comptar-lo.

– Aquest sorteig s’acabara el 15 de Març a les 12pm hora irlandesa.

– Entrades internacionals mes que benvingudes!!!

– Anunciare el guanyador aqui i per email, aixi que si us plau no oblideu d’escriure la vostra adreça de correu electronic per a poder contactar-vos.

– Normalment contesto als comentaris dins del mateix post, pero aquest cop no ho fare per no embolicar la troca quan hagi de comptar-los. Moltissimes gracies per passar per aqui, comentar i decidir seguir-me. Molta sort!



162 responses to “BLOG HOP PARTY GIVEAWAY

  1. cnuland

    I’m in a little town of about 1400 people in western Wisconsin, USA. Where it’s cold and our forecast for tomorrow is for freezing rain, sleet and snow. I’m hoping they close the office tomorrow 🙂 Hoping you’re in warmer weather!

  2. JenniferB

    following you with email and I am in western North Carolina near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park- 32 degrees at 10:30 pm

  3. I am a new follower! Hi from Northwestern Pennsylvania USA.

  4. I follow you from Lisbon, Portugal. Thanks for the great giveaway, it’s a beautiful bag!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  5. I liked your FB page (Paula Lemos)
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  6. I shared your giveaway on FB –

    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  7. Uau un altre sorteig! M’encanten aquestes teles, i la bossa! 🙂
    Jo et segueixo des de Barcelona.

  8. I et segueixo des del FB de fa temps (com a Júlia Humet)

  9. Janet

    Hi, I’m a new follower from Doncaster, England.

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