WONKY SQUARES – my first solids

This is my first quilt using Kona solids. A friend of mine ordered 
a baby quilt for her nephew, something very colorful and I suggested
a rainbow-like theme. I’m really happy with the result, and so she is too!
I hope the baby boy will like it too…
I am linking in with the Quilter in the Gap‘s 2012 Pre-second quarter
Finish-A Long Linky Party.
Aquest es el meu primer quilt fent servir colors llisos, Kona.
Una amiga em va encarregar fer un quilt per al seu nebot, alguna cosa amb 
molt de color i vaig suggerir l’arc de Sant Marti com a tema…
M’encanta el resultat i a ella tambe! ara espero que al petit tambe li agradi.
I didn’t know how to quilt it, and I wanted the squares to stand out, 
so I decided to outline the squares by quilting around them at 1/8″ from the seam.
The rhomboids are highlighted too and the outer frame gave way to play a bit more,
echoing the zig-zag lines worked out pretty well, I think.
No sabia com fer l’encoixinat i volia que els quadres ressaltessin, 
aixi que vaig optar per seguir els quadres a 1/8 de polzada de la vora.
Els romboides tambe resalten i el marge exterior es prou ample per 
jugar una mica mes, fent servir el zig-zag varies vegades.

I used an IKEA print for the backing, very colorful and fun.

Per al darrera he fet servir una tela de l’IKEA, 
molt divertida i plena de coloraines.
And like with  all my ordered baby quilts, it comes with its own bag…
I com amb tots els meus encarrecs de quilts per a nens, ve amb la seva bossa…
Quilt information:
1 Charm Pack of Kona Bright Palette (I didn’t use all the squares)
Kona white for sashing
Ikea print for backing
dimensions: 43″x37″ 


Filed under PATCHWORK

16 responses to “WONKY SQUARES – my first solids

  1. Senzillament preciós. Senzill i amb molta vida, m'encanta!!!!!

  2. Irina this is gorgeous!

  3. Ho trobo SÚPER!!!! Els colors són genials…

  4. It's lovely Irina, the zig zag quilting is great. I'm working on my first solids quilt too with a brights charm pack but mine is hst's. 🙂

  5. Very nice quilt! Don't you love IKEA for baby quilt backs?

  6. Yes! I think their prints are great for backings!

  7. I linked over from RichardQuilts. Thank you for this post. I KNEW I'd seen charm packs with rainbow colors, and I just couldn't find them! I love what you did with yours. Looks great!desertskyquilts.livejournal.com

  8. What a cute little baby quilt!!!!

  9. Me encanta!, lo de la bolsa es una buena idea, que por supuesto con tu permiso te voy a copiar!!!, ja,ja

  10. Such a fun, bright, cheerful baby quilt! I really like the quilting and the back is really fun as well! Oh, and the little label on your bag — so cute! Congrats on a great finish and thank you for linking up!xo -E

  11. thank you all for your lovely comments!

  12. Thank you for linking up last week. Your quilt looks wonderful. Your link was followed most out of all the links last week so popular quilt nice.http://richardquilts.blogspot.comhttp://juliadawnhealey.blogspot.com

  13. Hola Irina, sóc la mami d'en Nil. Moltes gràcies per fer estes petites i carnyoses obres d'art. M'ha encantat tot, des de la bosseta fins a la darrera etiqueta del Quilt . Una abraçada! Sóc fan del Petit Taller!

  14. De res! Moltes felicitats per l'arribada d'en Nil. Espero que li agradi esta embolicadet amb aquestes coloraines. M'ho he passat molt be fent aquest quilt i m'alegro que us agradi. Una abraçada!

  15. I love this quilt, so adorable.!

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